Retirement Planning

What stage of retirement planning are you in?


Real Retirement Planning goes way beyond pension plans. It starts with having a clear picture of your goals, your lifestyle, your expenses and your sources of retirement income. It may seem far away, but we’ll build a plan to help get you, to where you want to be. We feel so passionate about proper retirement planning for all that we created

Our aim is to help you take control of your next phase in life. See what stage of retirement planning you are at:

Beginning to plan for Retirement

This is the time to start creating a financial plan that takes your goals and lifestyle into account. This will help you to identify, how much you’ll need in retirement. We will help you on the road by creating your overall plan and then assist you with the implementation of this plan. We will also help create an investment portfolio that’s right for you. We’ll look at your various income sources and work with you to maximise your options.

Actively Planning For Retirement

Everyone is different and there’s no magic number to tell you that you’ll have enough. We will help you to build a plan, to ensure that you’re on track to meet your financial goals. The good news is that while you are working, you are still in an accumulation phase, which means, you have time to multiply your assets. We will regularly review your plan and adapt it as your life changes.

Approaching Retirement

With just a few years until retirement, you now have the most tax benefits and are at the height of your career. This is a critical time to evaluate all of your sources of income, to ensure that you will have the retirement, you’ve dreamed of. Your EMPOWER-Plan will give you a good overview of where you currently stand and provide you with lots of ideas on how to improve your retirement outlook.

Already Retired

Depending on the point at which you’ve retired, you may be in receipt of some form of guaranteed income from the State. This income will typically form a base to meet some of the retirement spending needs. It is essential to create a plan to enable you to supplement this income in a sustainable way. How much you draw and from where will depend on a number of factors;  including taxation, estate planning, health and future goals. We will help you prepare for the expected and navigate through any unexpected events.

Book your complementary retirement planning meeting today.